Tips Con AEROPAQ automáticamente el Tax de Amazon es $0.00! Todas tus compras realizadas directamente en Amazon y despachadas a la dirección de Aeropaq, están libres del Tax de la Florida.
Sin categorizar Tips for buying PC and laptos online. One of the great benefits of buying electronics online is the wide variety of products we have and they have discounts and sales that the store has in different seasons. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the kings on this. Often we do not know if the discount is really good versus equipment specifications. Here […]
Tips de Compras & Especiales ¡Black Friday es hoy! Los mejores especiales de Black Friday están aquí.
Sin categorizar 4th of July Sales Saturday July 4th, United States is celebrating its Independence and online stores make it big with discounts and special prices up to 60% its original price. Sneak peek what you can enjoy now! Old Navy: 60% off throughout the store. ASOS: 50% off throughout the store Pottery Barn: 60% off in household items Sport Chalet: […]
Tips de Compras & Especiales ¡Black Friday y Cyber Monday Deals! Ya se acerca nuestros días favoritos, Black Friday y el Cyber Monday y desde ya las tiendas están ofreciendo descuentos.
Noticias Jornada de membresías Rockwell El pasado mes de Agosto, realizamos nuestra jornada de membresías en Rockwell Automation, empresa localizada en el Km. 22 de la autopista Duarte. Nuestro encuentro se basó en brindar un acalorado encuentro a nuevos clientes al estilo Aeropaq, mediante rifas y encuentros interactivos.
Promociones Ganate un iPad Mini en Mercadexpo Participa en Mercadexpo con Aeropaq y gánate un iPad Mini!!!
Sin categorizar Day membership Rockwell Our journey of memberships Rockwell Automation, a company located at km 22 of the Duarte highway, was exiting. It was based on providing a heated meeting, trying to engage new customers to Aeropaq, through raffles and interactive games.