Sin categorizar Educational Meetings by Nuestros Hijos Aeropaq is a sponsor of Educational Meetings “Nuestros Hijos”, held monthly at Cuesta Library and where our brand promotional items are raffled! The truth is that this community is doing a wonderful work through these talks, providing valuable information to the entire family in order to create a better society. If you want to learn […]
Sin categorizar How do I know it’s worth buying an item online? How to calculate the total value. Buying online offers three main benefits: variety, quality and best prices. But often we doubt whether it is really worth it to buy on the internet just before closing the order. An information that will help you get out of this doubt it is knowing the total value (price + pounds Aeropaq) of this item […]
Sin categorizar Labor Day 2014 Specials Today is Labor Day in the United States and for this reason the shops have huge discounts! Here we leave you with the specials that we have shared today. Don’t miss them! Woot: Vanguad Camera tripos from $39.99 Ideel: Sunglasses, Aviator style, from $49.99 Twice Clothing: 40% ddiscount in the Final Sale de Labor Day! Use […]
Sin categorizar Online Shopping in 7 steps. Are you new to online shopping? Here’s a guide on how to make your first purchase step by step.
Sin categorizar Affiliation event at Synergies To Aeropaq the youth is very important; therefore we decided to make journeys at the Call Centers. This time we visited Synergies, one of the largest in its category at Santiago city! The purpose of this visit was to provide 10% discount of its freight and benefit packages to join Aeropaq!
Sin categorizar Santiago Run and Aeropaq too! Aeropaq, through an alliance with Biofit Wellness Club, was one of the sponsors of the uniforms used by coaches, runners as well as TV personalities like “Francisco Muy Diferente”, at the Marathon 10k Santiago Corre. Thousands of citizens of all ages walked in the streets and avenues of the city in order to help the […]
Sin categorizar Should I buy a new or used item? Many times we are looking for an electronic device, book, music or film collection and we find several buying options depending on its use condition. Sometimes there’s a big difference in the price of a new vs used item and we hesitate because we don’t know if it will be worth buying «used like new«, […]