Christmas Grace 2014

Every year “La Direccion general de aduanas (DGA)” grants a  «Christmas Grace» to all Dominicans living abroad and coming back to spend time with their families, which takes effect this year from December 1st until January 7th, 2015.

This «grace» is an exemption in the payment of taxes to bring gifts to family and friends, worth up to US$3,000.00 (three thousand US dollars) per passenger, with the exception of appliances which is only allowed to bring one of each type. Ex.: A TV, a DVD player, Wii, etc.

To benefit from this «grace» the traveler must have a minimum of six months without entering the Dominican Republic and have the bills of the gifts or appliances with his/her name and date of purchase within the period of Christmas Grace.

The traveler has the facility to carry items through Aeropaq by making available your account at their disposal, for which you just have to do the following:

  1. Add the traveler as a dependent on your Aeropaq account with his/her name and passport number.
  2. As soon as the purchase is made ask him to send the scanned bill, ensuring that you have the required information and send it to the email It’s important that we have this information five days before the item arrival in Santo Domingo. You can also notify us by telephone at 809-237-6727.
  3. Do not forget to include in the email you send us the name and passport number of the arriving person. It is very important to do it early because five days is the minimum time to process documentation and after this you will have to pay customs taxes. Once all the goods have arrived, make the payment of the air freight at Aeropaq and we’ll give you the Commercial Invoice and the Aeropaq’s House Air Way Bill of the gifts, which will allow you to get the «Grace».
  4. With these documents, the passport and identity card, the traveler can physically go to Customs to withdraw their gifts.

Tell your relatives about this Grace and seize this opportunity to make the dreams of your people come true… and of course, transport them by Aeropaq !!!