Easter Schedule 2016

blog semana santa horario

You already have your suitcase ready for this spring break, but still waiting some stuff you bought online arriving this week …. Well here you our schedule so you can pick them up:

From Monday 21st to Wednesday 23th our business hours remain the same.

On Holy Thursday:

  • Terminales y Puntos Paq Supermercados Bravo Santo Domingo work until 4:00pm.
  • Torre Orange y San Francisco work until 1:00pm.
  • Unibe y UCE Closed.
  • Santiago Los Jardines y Punto Paq Bravo work until  2:00pm

On Good Friday, Saturday and Sunday we are closed.

If you need additional information you can contact us by calling Customer Service at 809-AEROPAQ phone (237-6727) or writing to servicioalcliente@dev.aeropaq.com