Holy Week 2015 Opening Hours

We know that in the Holy Week you will be taking all the stuff you bought on the Internet and also the promotional articles you have exchanged with the pounds of your packages. That’s the reason why we will be having a Holy Week special schedule so you take with you all the stuff you ordered at last minute.

From Monday,  March 30 until Wednesday April 1st, all our terminals will work in our regular schedule.Reloj Aeropaq

On Holy Thursday our opening hours will be as it follows:

  • Piantini, Arroyo Hondo, Bella Vista, DGT and Coral Mall: from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
  • Puntos Paq Bravo Churchill, Nuñez de Cáceres and Enriquillo: from 8:00AM to 4:00 PM
  • Santiago Los Jardines and Punto Paq Bravo Santiago: from 8:00PM to 2:00PM
  • San Francisco de Macorís and Orange Tower (exclusive for Orange Dominicana employees): from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.
  • Puntos Paq UNIBE in Santo Domingo and UCE in San Pedro de Macorís will not work that day due to the university’s Schedule.

We will not be open on Holy Friday and Holy Saturday.

If you need additional information you can contact us calling Customer Service at 809-AEROPAQ (237-6727) or write us via servicioalcliente@dev.aeropaq.com