How to save around US$10 in online purchases?
There’s nothing better than go to your favorite online store, purchase the things you need and at the same time save money. One of the keys to do this is the free shipping.
The good news is that Amazon, a store that everyone prefer, reduced the minimum to apply for a free shipping back to US $25.
As well as Amazon, some online stores have set a minimum amount in order to request free shipping from the store to our warehouse in Miami.
In the list below you’ll find the most popular online stores that offer thus benefit to their clients.
- Wallmart: $35+
- Target: $35+
- Gap-Group (Banana Republic, Old Navy, Atheta): $50+
- 6 PM: 2+ Items o $50+
- Forever 21: $50+
- Hautelook: $100+
- Rue Lala: Standard shipping unlimited for $50 al año
The next time you go to make an online purchase, keep in mind the minimum for a free shipping, in that way you’ll be able to purchase more articles and pay less.