Our UNIBE terminal is now in service!

As of today, Tuesday, September 20, our customers may pick up their package(s) at Aeropaq’s UNIBE terminal.

If you wish to modify your preferred pick-up terminal to our newer one at UNIBE, please bear in mind that all package(s) received at our Miami office prior to the change coming into effect, should be picked up at your previously-selected terminal.

As you can tell by its size, this is a 72 hour/3 day Transit Terminal. Packages not picked up during this time frame will be sent to our larger facility, the Aeropaq Piantini terminal, where it may be retrieved.
Please be advised that the university only has available parking for its employees, professors and students.
If you wish to obtain further information, please contact Customer Service department by calling 809-AEROPAQ (237-6727), or via e-email unibe@dev.aeropaq.com.

We thank you for your patronage!