When Aeropaq requests my order bill, how should I send it?

When we receive your packages in Miami and they come without an order bill, you’ll immediately receive an email informing you must send the invoice to mifactura@dev.aeropaq.com within a period of 24 hours after the receipt of such notice.

When you’re looking for your package order bill, you must take in count that it includes the following aspects:

  • AP Number: Your Aeropaq’s client code.
  • Package’s WR: Is the unique tracking number that we assign to your package once it’s been received in Miami. You can obtain it from no invoice notification mail that you received and this will help us identify to exactly which article belongs the bill you sent, in case the store or the supplier had sent your purchase in different parts. You can resend us the same received notification email attaching the order bill.
  • Ejemplo WRTracking Number: Is the company or postal code’s shipping number used by the store to send your purchase to Aeropaq Miami. This number does not come included in the bill detail, that’s why you would have to write it in the email body.

tracking number

  • Purchase Details: List of the articles and their prices.
  • Sending Format: In a Word or PDF Document.

Some stores send a confirmation order email with all the details of your purchase and it works. In other cases, like Amazon, the email does not include every necessary detail, so you should find it in your account’s last orders in their webpage.

Here we show you an example of how the order bill you send us should be:

Mal Ejemplo Factura


factura buena amazon