Tips Con AEROPAQ automáticamente el Tax de Amazon es $0.00! Todas tus compras realizadas directamente en Amazon y despachadas a la dirección de Aeropaq, están libres del Tax de la Florida.
Sin categoría Spring 2014 = Bright Colors! Bright colors are spectacular; the level of joy that they project is unique. However, always choose the color that contrasts with your skin tone and you feel comfortable with. You should never feel that opaque you, on the contrary, should be designed by you. Use them in pieces of soft lines, complement it with simple […]
Sin categoría Especiales del USA Father’s Day Ustedes dirán que es un poco temprano para hablar del Día de los Padres, pero nosotros pensamos los contrario!!! Es que el domingo 19 de Junio Estados Unidos celebra el Día de los Padres y como ya saben, las tiendas tienen ofertas buenísimas en ropa, zapatos y accesorios para caballeros. Entonces… por qué dejarlo para […]
Sin categorizar 15% Discount SD Corre As many of you know in our country , the love for the sports and specifically running is trending . And that’s good, because now, more Dominicans are becoming healthier. There are clubs and groups formed to run at the Mirador Sur Park , Botanic Garden and other places that are considered suitable to practice […]
Downtown Aeropaq 15% Descuento SD Corre Hola! mis muy queridos lectores, Como muchos sabemos ya en nuestro país el amor por el deporte y específicamente el de correr o “running” se ha puesto muy de moda. Y qué bueno! Pues esta moda redunda en más salud para todos los dominicanos. Existen ya grupos formados en clubes para correr tanto en el […]
Sin categorizar Aeropaq sponsors Bajo Terapia Bajo Terapia is a play written by Matias Del Federico, which exposes the relationships and highlights of the importance of marriage. Is full of unexpected conflicts with humor as the main tool and where nothing is what it seems. The play took place at the Palacio de Bellas Artes Máximo Avilés Blonda, from Thursday 24 […]
Sin categorizar Ideel moved house and is now Groupon If you’re an Ideel Ideel I guess you have already received the news. The company that many adore for its great discounts on fashion brands for men and women, from now on works under the name Groupon. Ideel sent an email to all its customers explaining this change only brings more benefits because now we […]
Sin categorizar USPS deliveries Important information about deliveries made via the United States Postal Service (USPS).