Downtown Aeropaq Para tus fiestas de Navidad te traemos estos Fuegos Artificiales indoor Los mejores Fuegos Artificiales indoor que nos ofrece, para esta Navidad
Downtown Aeropaq Aprovecha la Gracia Navideña 2022 La Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA) otorga la Gracia Navideña a todos los dominicanos que viven en el exterior y regresan en esta temporada a pasar un tiempo con sus familiares.
Sin categorizar Foreign Students at UNIBE Friday, Agoust 29th we had the opportunity to participate in the Orientation Day for the new entry foreign students at Unibe, offering free memberships to everyone so they can start immediately using our services in Unibe. During the activity we raffled promotional Aeropaq Kits.
Sin categorizar Membership Day Workshops Career UNIBE Every year, Unibe welcome the new entry students with an orientation activity so they start living the college experience with a little knowledge of their campus and future careers before starting college life. Aeropaq, was part of this event providing free memberships to the students, communicating our alliance with Unibe in the Scholarship Program “Líderes […]
Sin categorizar Sponsorship Fishing Tournament Puerto Bahia Open From July 30th until August 2nd, 2014, the «6th International Puerto Bahia Open” was held. This is a tournament that aims to encourage the development of the fishing sport in Dominican Republic. The tournament took place at the prestigious Puerto Bahia Marina & Residences resort on the coast of Samaná, Dominican Republic. Aeropaq, was present […]
Sin categorizar Wedding Season: Online Shopping Tips for your Wedding He asked the big question, and you said “YES”! But… now what? It’s the moment to plan your dream wedding and you surely have a thousand of ideas, suggestions of what you’ll like that day to be like… Chill, we are here to save you and help you to get everything perfectly done on one […]