Sin categorizar How to save around US$10 in online purchases? There’s nothing better than go to your favorite online store, purchase the things you need and at the same time save money. One of the keys to do this is the free shipping. The good news is that Amazon, a store that everyone prefer, reduced the minimum to apply for a free shipping back to […]
Sin categorizar Where do I buy the gift of Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day is almost here, which is Sunday, May 25 and must be wondering where to buy her gift. Here you have several store options where you can find the wallet, shoe or accessory that she likes! Handbags, Shoes and Sandals 6pm Zappos eBags Piperlime DSW Sole Society Jildor Shoes Clothing 6pm Chadwicks Piperlime Boston […]
Sin categorizar USA Mother’s Day Specials On Sunday, May 11th is Mother’s Day in the United States and since now stores have discounts and special deals on gifts for them. If you still don’t know what you are going to give your mom, grandmothers, aunts, sisters … or you have any idea but haven’t started looking, we recommend that you take […]
Sin categorizar Tax payment on online purchases What we call ITBS in Dominican Republic, in USA is called Tax… and so on in each country. Taxes have always existed and all the items we purchase in the U.S. we’ll have to pay them, either when you are there or when we buy through the internet. Amazon did not pay the tax, because […]
Sin categorizar We have Mommy, Grandma, godmother, aunt… The Mother’s Day month is just around the corner and since now we recommend you start to searching for the your moms, grandmas, aunts, or sisters gift …or whoever you are going to give away our promotion this year is designed to Lovely prizes them! ¿How do you participate? ¡Easy! Submit your Aeropaq bills of at […]
Sin categorizar Online shopping BIG! Guide for women and men plus sizes If you’re a plus size girl or boy and it’s hard for you to find something to wear that is fashionable and with good prices… your solution is right here! Follow these tips so that your online shopping is successful and you can wear the latest fashion trends at the best price. The first thing […]
Sin categorizar Coupons and discount codes.. How do I use them? One of the great advantages that the online shopping’s offer is the promo codes and the discounts that the stores give. Here we offer you some tips of how to take the best of advantages out of them: Checkout Codes vs. Promo Codes: Checkout codes and promo codes are the discount codes that the stores […]