Tips Con AEROPAQ automáticamente el Tax de Amazon es $0.00! Todas tus compras realizadas directamente en Amazon y despachadas a la dirección de Aeropaq, están libres del Tax de la Florida.
Sin categorizar Aeropaq and Chilli’s made Fathers’ Day chilling Aeropaq and Chilli’s joined forces for a chilling Fathers’ Day promo! When our customers picked their packages during the father’s day month, they wrote on the back of the receipt “why their dad was the most «Chilling» and deposited it at the polls of our terminals. The prize was RD$2000 pesos in Chilli’s orders. Also, […]
Sin categoría Lush…the Green Life! Lush provide organic products made from fruits and vegetables. We review their fine product line.
Sin categorizar Bonche with Aeropaq at «PineappleBall» The Pineapple Ball, a summer party tradition organized by ShaveUrlegz to say goodbye to the summer. But this is not just a one day party; on August 9th, 2015 we participated in the PineappleBall warm up, pre-show event held in SUD Super Club. The party started on August 15th, 2015 around 7:30pm and the lineup […]
Downtown Aeropaq Lush…the Green life! Para lucir una piel saludable, hay que asegurarse de usar productos adecuados, aquí te traemos algunas recomendaciones.
Sin categorizar Cooking Show by Sagrario The Cooking Show by Sagrario is an activity performed at Bravo supermarket, where people had the opportunity to learn how to prepare some dishes with ingredients that usually have in their kitchen. Aeropaq was present in this activity, as support we raffled promotional kits to the guests which also obtained their membership free.
Downtown Aeropaq ¡¡20% Descuento en Halloween!! No sabes donde adquirir tu disfraz para Halloween, aquí te damos algunas buenas opciones.