Sin categorizar Health Week in Aeropaq On the 3rd week of February, starting on Monday 17 and finishing on Saturday 22 we’ll be celebrating Health Week, which we’ve been doing since 2013 in order to promote healthy habits and practices that help our collaborators to enrich their life quality and generate positive impact in the organizational climate. During this week, the […]
Sin categorizar Intec’s Valentine’s Day On Friday February 14th was held the day of love and friendship, and Aeropaq collaborated with the Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), in a fun activity the university arranged for all students. Many balloons were launched in the square of the university, students must catch to find inside them text messages with hashtags and […]
Sin categorizar President’s Day Specials Today as we all know is President’s Day in USA, this day honors presidents of the United States including George Washington, the USA’s first president. Some states pay more attention to Abraham Lincoln, as his birthday was also in mid February. This holiday is officially celebrated on the third Monday of February, and previous days […]
Sin categorizar 15% Discount SD Corre As many of you know in our country , the love for the sports and specifically running is trending . And that’s good, because now, more Dominicans are becoming healthier. There are clubs and groups formed to run at the Mirador Sur Park , Botanic Garden and other places that are considered suitable to practice […]
Sin categorizar Aeropaq sponsors Bajo Terapia Bajo Terapia is a play written by Matias Del Federico, which exposes the relationships and highlights of the importance of marriage. Is full of unexpected conflicts with humor as the main tool and where nothing is what it seems. The play took place at the Palacio de Bellas Artes Máximo Avilés Blonda, from Thursday 24 […]
Sin categorizar Ideel moved house and is now Groupon If you’re an Ideel Ideel I guess you have already received the news. The company that many adore for its great discounts on fashion brands for men and women, from now on works under the name Groupon. Ideel sent an email to all its customers explaining this change only brings more benefits because now we […]
Sin categorizar USPS deliveries Important information about deliveries made via the United States Postal Service (USPS).