Sin categorizar When Aeropaq requests my order bill, how should I send it? When we receive your packages in Miami and they come without an order bill, you’ll immediately receive an email informing you must send the invoice to within a period of 24 hours after the receipt of such notice. When you’re looking for your package order bill, you must take in count that it includes […]
Sin categorizar Holy Week 2015 Opening Hours We know that in the Holy Week you will be taking all the stuff you bought on the Internet and also the promotional articles you have exchanged with the pounds of your packages. That’s the reason why we will be having a Holy Week special schedule so you take with you all the stuff you […]
Sin categorizar Cooking Show Vainilla y Azafrán El pasado 12 de Febrero del corriente año fue celebrado con colaboración de los Supermercados Bravo, el “Cooking Show Vainilla y Azafrán”. En esta amena actividad las personas tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender como elaborar un desayuno fácil con ingredientes que por lo general tienen en su cocina y fue realizada en el supermercado Bravo […]
Sin categorizar Cooking Show Vanilla and Saffron On February 12th was held the “Vanilla And Saffron Coooking Show” activity with the collaboration of Bravo supermarket. With this activity people had the opportunity to learn how to develop an easy breakfast with ingredients they usually have in their kitchen. IT was held in the Winston Churchill Ave. supermarket. Aeropaq was present in this […]
Sin categorizar Apple Watch…the most anticipated. Apples’ most wanted product by their users, the Apple Watch, is almost in the market! During a press conference today, they revealed its functions: Make phone calls. Monitor your physical activities movements. Fitness applications to record a variety of cardio exercises like: running, bicycle, elliptical and more. Activate Siri by pressing just one button. Receive […]
Sin categorizar Apple Watch… El más esperado. Ya casi sale a la venta el artículo tecnológico más esperado por los usuarios de la marca Apple, el Apple Watch! Durante una rueda de prensa en el día de hoy dieron a conocer las funcionalidades del mismo, aquí te mencionas algunas: Hacer llamadas desde el reloj. Monitorear los movimientos de tu actividad física. Aplicaciones de […]
Sin categorizar Calculate your package’s cost Consult our Rate Calculator to determine the cost for shipping your package(s), as well as any Customs taxes you may incur.