Sin categorizar Duracell Batteries Available This year we want to make your life easier by having available on our Terminals Duracell batteries for your kids’s toys. You can buy them at Piantini, Bella Vista, Arroyo Hondo and Coral Mall. Here arte the models and prices:
Sin categorizar Our UNIBE terminal is now in service! You can now pick up your packages at our newest terminal located in Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE).
Sin categorizar Green Christmas at Aeropaq. In 2014, we strengthened our commitment with the environment, decorating our terminals in a different and creative way with Christmas trees made with recycled boxes of the packages brought by our customers, and they came out just beautiful!!!
Sin categorizar Aeropaq is now in Arroyo Hondo and UNIBE Aeropaq is now in Arroyo Hondo and UNIBE. Find out how to change the preferred terminal for all your pick ups.
Sin categorizar Pick up and wrap your gifts at Aeropaq! From December 15th to the 24th we will be wraping all the Christmas gift you have brought with us! We will be offering this service in our same business hours, at the following terminals: Piantini Drive Go Thru Bella Vista Arroyo Hondo Coral Mall Santiago Los Jardines San Francisco de Macorís *Important: This […]
Sin categorizar Christmas Grace 2014 Every year “La Direccion general de aduanas (DGA)” grants a «Christmas Grace» to all Dominicans living abroad and coming back to spend time with their families, which takes effect this year from December 1st until January 7th, 2015. This «grace» is an exemption in the payment of taxes to bring gifts to family and friends, […]
Sin categorizar Special schedude for the Holidays We want you to have enough time to pick up your packages during the Holidays and because of this we´ll have an special schedule: Piantini – Arroyo Hondo – DGT – Bella Vista – Corall Mall – Santiago Los Jardines – Puntos Paq. Bravo: Churchill – Núñez – Enriquillo – Santiago Every Saturday, December and January […]