What can’t be purchased on the Internet?
Often times we are searching for a product or item on the Internet that is not sold in the country, and ask ourselves whether or not we can purchase it online.
For security reasons, after September 11, 2001, the following items are not allowed to be shipped from the United States:
- Firearms or gun replicas
- Military supplies (Clothes and accessories for military use)
- Pellet rifles
- BB guns (Air gun)
- Bullets
- Cash
- Pornographic material
- Chemicals
- Explosives, fossil fuels, corrosives
- Air bags for vehicles
- Any kind of sprays or aerosols
- Compressed gas capsules
- Strong magnetic forces
- Dry or chemical ice
- Radioactive material
- Paint
- Car/inverter batteries
- Hookah
- Daggers
- Knives
- Military knives
- Swords
- Razors
- Meat of any kind
- Seeds to grow
- Perfumes (These require special handling when transported. Please refer to the blog post outlining the procedure for the handling of hazardous cargo.)
If you have any questions, remember we are here to help. E-mail servicioalcliente@dev.aeropaq.com, or call us at 809-237-6724.